
In 2010, pastor James Okalo Ekwang, Children of the Nations Uganda Director, approached Flood with the request of bringing a team over to train and lead a marriage & family conference. What's providential about this invitation is that Flood has always valued training and equipping people through conferences and leadership communities. In fact, in Flood's ten year history, we've successfully led a six-week premarital conference for eight of those years. It's just in our DNA. That's why in August of 2011, a team of fifteen of us will be traveling to "the Pearl of Africa" to host a conference, train leaders, and receive the gift of family from our brothers & sisters in Uganda.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Conference Theme

The theme of the conference is Imago DeiGenesis 1:26-27 says that God, who exists in perfect loving community, created us in His image, male and female. We also learn that when God created the heavens and the earth, that everything was good, except for one thing—for the human being to be alone. This is when the first marriage took place, and "the two became one flesh" (Gen. 2:24). God made two out of the one, and brought them back together in union to experience and reflect His nature of expansive love. This truth not only guides us, but compels us to help families grow stronger. That is, 
my marriage is also my mission: to receive, reflect and restore God's love.

What about orphans and widows? We are also serving many single parents and children. James 1:27 says, "Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress..." Single parenting is difficult in any culture and often carries a stigma. The beauty of Imago Dei is that each person everywhere has intrinsic value, worth and purpose—and that is the hope we will proclaim!

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