
In 2010, pastor James Okalo Ekwang, Children of the Nations Uganda Director, approached Flood with the request of bringing a team over to train and lead a marriage & family conference. What's providential about this invitation is that Flood has always valued training and equipping people through conferences and leadership communities. In fact, in Flood's ten year history, we've successfully led a six-week premarital conference for eight of those years. It's just in our DNA. That's why in August of 2011, a team of fifteen of us will be traveling to "the Pearl of Africa" to host a conference, train leaders, and receive the gift of family from our brothers & sisters in Uganda.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Uganda Workshop Main Session Talks

I have the privilege of being the Conference Speaker when we travel to Uganda to host:
Imago Dei: Marriage & Family Conference 2011

Please pray for wisdom, clarity, responsiveness and healing. For Scripture tells us that we are all cracked "Eikons" (the Greek for God's likeness from Gen. 1:26-27), needing and wanting to be restored to reveal and heal.

Here are the main session titles and descriptions:

MAIN SESSION 1: We are the Imago Dei
Genesis 1:26-27 says that we are made in the image of God. However, the Bible tells us that each one of us has chosen to go our own way, and thus, fracturing God's intended purpose for us to reflect His image. God's desire is to restore us to the Imago Dei.

MAIN SESSION 2: The Source of the Imago Dei
1 John 4:8 says that God is love. Scripture also says that we are able to love because God first loved us. It is clear, as Jesus himself says, that without being connecting to God, our source, we can do nothing.

MAIN SESSION 3: Living in the Imago Dei
In his letter to the Ephesians and to the Colossians, the apostle Paul wrote the key to fulfilling God's intention of restoring His image so that we might be healed. Using the metaphor of clothes, we are to actively take off the old, and put on the new.

MAIN SESSION 4: Living Out the Imago Dei
Only when consent and partner with God's work of restoration within us are we able to represent His image. As Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5:17, we are now ambassadors—literally God's representatives—to our families, our communities, our countries and the whole world.

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